Mediamo ADR Srl was founded in 2010 following a legal reform after the adoption of the Legislative Decree N28 of 04th March, 2010. The Mediamo ADR Srl Conciliatory Chamber/ Mediation Organisation was authorized by the Italian Ministry of Justice on 12.04.2011 and registered as N228 in the list of authorized organisations.

Mediators who work for Mediamo ADR have been carefully chosen for their high professionalism and business acumen that they have shown in dealing with practical aspects of mediation. Thanks to the close relationships the organisation maintains with the best professional education organisations, Mediamo ADR develops its staff and contributes to their professional growth, collaborating with those mediators who demonstrate a true spirit of conciliation.

Representatives of Mediamo ADR Srl, together with its owners, mediators and partners are all strongly convinced that alternative conflict resolution is an effective and functional tool that both meets the needs of people as well as the requirements of the entire justice system.

Since the foundation, mediators’ professionalism, a possibility to estimate the required costs and time, total openness to dialogue as well as to people’s and companies’ needs have always been our fundamental values. Our belief is based on the intrinsic potential of mediation as well as on its clear economic benefits for those who decide to take advantage of it. Despite various changes and modifications, the organisation has seen throughout its existence, Mediamo ADR has always acted competently and independently, taking particular care of the professional development of its official members and getting, thanks to all of its efforts, particularly good results both in terms of the number of cases handled as well as in terms of those settled successfully.

Maurizio Colella, the Managing Director of Mediamo ADR

Mediamo ADR Srl has 7 offices in Italy, 6 of which in the Campania region.

Turin Subsidiary

Vassalli Eandi St., 26

Aversa Subsidiary

Roma St., 40

Arzano Subsidiary

E. Medi St., 7

Caserta Subsidiary

Ricciardelli St., 29

Naples Subsidiary (Head office)

San Giacomo St., 30

Forio Subsidiary

Dott. Tommaso Cigliano St., 123

Salerno Subsidiary

Oberdan St., 2

La Mediamo ADR comunica che in occasione delle Ferie estive la Segreteria rimarrà chiusa al pubblico dal 5 agosto al 6 settembre 2024. Saremo sempre reperibili per le urgenze e il deposito delle istanze al seguente cell. 3475788825, nonché a mezzo mail ( e Pec ( Avv. Maurizio Colella, Resp.le MEDIAMO ADR